- ConvergentArray.sc: Flexible object implementation of convergence (and divergence) of set
- ConvergentPseq.sc: Sequenceable pattern wrapper for multiple instances of ConvergentArray
- ConvergentMeasure.sc: Hierarchical implementation of convergence of set to generate patterned temporal regularities
- SFRand.sc: Random selection object implementing statistical feedback (dependency, see below)
- [plus corresponding Helpfiles for each]

ConvergentArray_Extensions.zip (SuperCollider 3.6.6)
ConvergentArray is a collection of SuperCollider Extensions implementing a convergence of set algorithim in flexible and hierarchical ways. SFRand (described below) is also included as a dependency.
To install, just place the .sc and .schelp files in your SC search path. For example:
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/HelpSource/[*.schelp files]
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/Classes/[*.sc files]
SFRand_0.1_SC3.zip (contains SFRand.sc classfile and SFRand.html helpfile)SFRand is a random selection object with statistical feedback for SuperCollider 3. This is an SC3 implementation of the algorithm described in: Polansky, Barnett, & Winter. "A Few More Words about James Tenney: Dissonant Counterpoint and Statistical Feedback" (2009). Here's a link to their paper:
To install, just place the .sc and .html file in your SC search path. For example:
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/HelpSource/SFRand.html
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/Classes/SFRand.sc